Koko-yakyu, High school baseball tournament, represents hot Japan's summer. Many Japanese people look forward to watch the summer national event. But I don't really like high school baseball.
I think Japan's high school baseball has been destroyed many young players, especially pitchers. They have to pitch handreds of balls day after day not only at practice but also at Koshien. As a result, like Matsuzaka or Tanaka, many of them get hurt their arms and have to withdraw playing baseball. I reall feel sorry for the players. They are victims of Koko-yakyu.
If the High School Baseball Federation, Koyaren, think of Koko-yakyu as a sport, they should limit the number of pitch, but I don't think they can do it because Koko-yakyu is an only a long-run show business event for the promotors, Koyaren, The Asahi Shinbun, The Mainichi Shinbun and NHK.
I hope the promotors change their policy any time soon. They should treat high school players as fragile treasures, not money-making machines.