Friday, November 7, 2014

World Cup 2022

According to some sources, FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar would likely to be held in winter. That is because Qatar is too hot to play soccer in summer. 
Everyone knows that Qatar is a hot country especially in summer. Why on earth are FIFA executive members talking this issue now? 
They should have discussed this condition problem when Qatar made the presentation for inviting the event. Didn't they believe they can hold the big soccer event in summer at first? If so these FIFA executive members never play soccer in the heart. Or they didn't know where Qatar is. 


  1. You should type 'sources', when you mean 'source' of information. You can type 'sauce', when you mean something related to cooking or dishes.

    Anyway, have a nice weekend.

  2. Oh, thank you! (≧∇≦)
