Friday, December 12, 2014

China To Ban Islamic Veil

The Islamic face veil will be banned in Xingiang region in China. Xingiang is the home of Uighur Muslims. It might fuel tensions in the area. 
Uighurs are originally Turkish Muslims and they were trying to establish their own country, East Turkestan but failed because China began to control the region in 1949. 
After that, a huge number of Han Chinese have migrated to Xingiang and the oppression had started. Since then, the Chinese goverment has been trying to extinguish the Uighurs culture. The authorities have arrested and killed not only Muslim ethnic activities but also ordinary people. 
The similar tragedy happens in Tibet. Recently, they occupied foreign territories illegally in the Philippines and Vietnam. Once they have advantages, they will be aggressive. It's like they want everything in the world. 
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  1. I hope Uighurs would survive and keep their language and culture. Ainu people might be able to tell them what to do.

  2. Right. They should share something strategic.
