Monday, February 16, 2015

Memphis Open Tennis

Kei Nishikori won the Memphis Tennis Open and he got the title three years in a row. He became the first player to do so. 
He was suffering to win until the final, but he was able to win a 2-0 against South African Kevin Anderson in the final. 
I saw a picture of the victory ceremony and Kei was holding a victory guitar instead of a trophy in it. It looked interesting and represented well for Memphis, Tennessee. 
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  1. Congrats on his title win. If you allow me to get my two cents in, I'd rather say something like "Although he struggled initially,"「彼は最初苦しんだが」. Another point is: either "One thing represents another" (without "for") or "One thing stands for another".
    I hope you can enjoy improvement. From a two-bit blogger.
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