Sunday, March 13, 2016

Studying Rubin's Translation

I went to a book store and bought a book about an English translation work. The original text was "Super-Frog Saves Tokyo" written by Murakami Haruki and translated into English by Jay Rubin. Original Japanese, English version and some explanations of transportation in it. 
Jay Rubin is famous for studying Japanese and Murakami himself chosen him as a translator, so Rubin's work might be a good one. More over, he used simple English for the translation. 
Comparing with original and English, I've found lots of interesting and worthy things. For example, Rubin translated rather in detail. While original said simply took off his shoes, Rubin translated into English as unlaced his shoes. 
I don't represent NHK Publishing, but I recommend this book for English learners. It's useful for translation and writing English. 
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