Saturday, June 7, 2008

Racer Bike

My nine-year-old mountain bike has broken.It is blue and I ride the bike for work.I love the twelve-time-get-flat-tire bike.Its rear gear or latch,I did not know exactly which,was not working when I was on my way home.Since then even if I pedaled my bike hard,it did not move any more.The next day I took my bike to a bike shop to fix it.The shop worker said I needed about 10,000yen to get it repaired.Then he showed me a new racer bike.It had narrow wheels and it looked like a Tour de France bike.He said I could try to ride it and I rode it.It was an exciting ride.Smooth,fast and fun.He said only 10,000yen would pay for the racer for a month and I could get it.How many months?Four?Five?He said,fifteen,no interest.Good-bye my racer.From tomorrow,I will ride the nine-year-old mountain bike again.We will live long together!

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