Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Don't spoil children

I was in a restaurant today and I could see a boy and his mother having lunch there. The boy was about four years old and he ate some special meal for kids. The dish had two pieces of jelly on it and he accidentally dropped one of the jellies on the floor. He told his mother that he wanted to get a new one because it was ruined.
I thought his mother would say to him,
''Honey, you cannot get a new one because it was your fault. Be careful how you handle your things next time, OK?''
But hey, she unexpectedly said to the waitress,
''Will you fetch another jelly for him? He dropped it. He prefers a grape tasting one. Give him one of those.''
I could not believe I was hearing that. I think she missed an opportunity to teach her son to be well-behaved.I believe people should learn social rules or common sense at a young age. It might be too late to learn that when they grow up and of course adults, especially their parents, must have the responsibility to teach them about that.

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