Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Berlin Wall

Today is the 25th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall. At that time, Germany was divided into two nations, West and East. East Germany built The Berlin Wall in 1961 to surround West Berlin completely, so no one could escape from the East to the West. 
Many eastern people tried to escape from the East to the West for their freedom, but many of them failed it. Some were killed and others were arrested. After The Wall was opened, I once visited the point Charlie where many people died for freedom. I felt dizzy thinking of the tragedies when I looked around the place. 
The American President Ronald Reagan made a historic address in front of the Wall in 1987. In the speech, he said to the Soviet Union leader strongly, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" And it realized two years later. 
The Wall collapsed only over a night. I couldn't believe it immediately. The Eastern world looked strong enough at that era. It was the very moment I could watch the changing of the world. 

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