Monday, November 24, 2014

It Happens

A big earthquake hit in Nagano on Saturday. The 6.7 magnitude earthquake has left 41 people injured. 
Scholars can explaine what made the earthquake on news shows and newspapers, but no scholars could predict when and where there will be an earthquake. 
We have to prepre for the earthquake any time. Of course it is necessary to store some food and water at your house, but to know what earthquake is a critical matter. That means an quake might happen on you someday, whenever and wherever. Your mind can save your life. 
Recently, many Japanese people were killed by natural disasters. Some of them were too late to escape from the dangers. For example, when a volcanic eruption occered at Mt. Ontake, some victims were taking pictures with their smartphones or cameras instead of escape to a safe place. They didn't think they were in a dangerous situation. 
Don't stay in danger when it happens.  

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