Friday, November 28, 2014

One Year Anniversary

Today is one year anniversary of my blog post. I've been writing a blog everyday for exactly one year. I've been doing this for the sake of my English. I want to express my thoughts, feelings, ideas, opinions or whatever about myself and about the world. 
At first, it was difficult to write a blog everyday because I'm not used to writeing anything in English. I have relatively poor English skills, so I've borrowed some expression from articles and dictionaries. I believe it might work for improving my English skills. 
Finding topics was another problem for me. To pick a topic, I would read newspapers and search articles on the web. Sometimes I choose a topic by listening to radio programs.  But now, I really enjoy not only writing in English but also selecting topics. 
Anyway, writing blog in English is great fun for me. You should try it. You'll find it interesting. 

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