Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Shidare Cherry Blooms in Senjuin

Senjuin is one of the best spots for cherry blossom viewing or hanami in Matsue. Now, you can see beautiful weeping cherries or shidare cherries there. Many families and couples are coming to the temple which is located near the historic Matsue castle to see the full-blown cherry tree.
They say some samurai that lived here gave the temple the tree about 300 years ago. The shidare cherry is about 8 m high and 90 cm in diameter. The tree was about to collapse over ten years ago but a tree doctor saved its life and after that it continues to blooming every year. The cherry bloomed at the end of March and the date was two or three days later than usual. You can enjoy cherry blossom viewing there until this weekend.  

約300年前に松江藩士が寄贈したとの言い伝えが残る桜で、高さ約8メートル、幹の直径は約90センチ。10年以上前に腐朽菌に感染して樹勢が衰えたことがあったが、樹木医の手当てで助かり、今も毎年花を咲かせている。ことしは例年より2、3日遅く3月下旬に開花した。今週末まで楽しめるという。 山陰中央新報

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